Hospitality & leisure

The specialist team at Maples Teesdale are experienced in acting on all manner of transactions and have acted for and alongside some of the biggest names in the industry

We offer a complete service and can guide occupiers through the process – starting with agreeing effective heads of terms and ending with fit-out and occupation itself.

Our advice is commercial, and we understand that the key issues in taking space can often be practical in nature, for example agreeing the signage rights, obtaining consent to fit-out and ensuring there is adequate plant and riser space for a tenant’s use. We are experienced in dealing with these issues as well as the more technical legal negotiation.

Our ultimate aim is to assist occupier clients in managing their ‘space needs’ in a way that minimises business interruption. We are used to acting within tight timeframes if required. We are also happy to take on long projects which might involve planning for a client’s future needs.

Once in occupation we are able to assist with the ongoing management work, including assisting with the negotiation of renewals or the exercise of breaks.


Relevant experience

  • Hili Coffee House – We have advised Hili Coffee on a number of retail lettings for their coffee shops Arabica. They have 110 stores in 18 countries.
  • MW Restaurants – We advised “M” restaurant in relation to their flagship first restaurant in Threadneedle Walk, City comprising circa 12,000 sq ft and their second restaurant and vintners in LandSec’s Zig Zag development in Victoria comprising circa 8,000 sq ft.
  • Cineworld Cinemas – We advise Cine UK on their cinemas throughout England and Wales.


Whilst you are here, please click though to our Hotels sector page, to see the breadth of our expertise in ‘everything hotels’ from negotiating operational contracts, through to asset and corporate sales and acquisitions, hotel financing and dispute resolution for our wide range of hotels clients.

Recent news and insights

Key Contacts

Adam Bernstein

Senior Associate, Commercial real estate

Tim Dodd

Partner, Corporate and commercial

Katherine Watts

Partner, Commercial real estate

Key Contacts

Adam Bernstein

Senior Associate, Commercial real estate 020 3465 4302 View profile

Tim Dodd

Partner, Corporate and commercial 020 3465 4401 View profile

Katherine Watts

Partner, Commercial real estate 020 3465 4352 View profile